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The Russell Agency, LLC Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Call us before you start your next renovation

As the weather shifts into spring, and you start thinking about your summer to-do lists, make sure you have the insurance coverages that will protect you and your property. Before you tackle any new projects, give our...

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Rodents, insurance and you: how is your coverage?

Rodents-from squirrels to mice-can pose a threat to your house or car. By nesting near or in your home and car, rodents can damage your property over time. They can gnaw wires, insulation and anything else they can chew....

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Avoiding Common Home Insurance Claims During Renovations

Renovating your home can be an exciting journey, transforming your living space into the dream dwelling you've always wanted. However, amidst the excitement, it's crucial to undertake precautions to avoid common...

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Don’t reduce costs at the expense of coverage

It seems like prices-including insurance premiums-continue to increase. Your knee-jerk reaction may be: Reduced coverage equals decreased costs. This is never the right solution. Instead, here is how to limit insurance...

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Don’t let your property just wash away

Melting snow and spring rains can cause flooding-even in areas that aren’t prone to flooding. Remember, even if you live in a “1-in-a-100-years” flood zone, this could be the year. You need to know: A standard...

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