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The Russell Agency, LLC is an independent insurance agency located in Southport, Connecticut.
We've helped countless people save money on their insurance while making sure they're properly covered.
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Life and Health Insurance
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203-255-2877 ext. 1309
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203-255-2877 ext. 1306
203-255-2877 ext. 1308
203-255-2877 ext. 1304
203-255-2877 ext. 1315
Account Manager
Personal Lines
203-255-2877 ext. 1303
203-255-2877 ext. 1312
203-255-2877 ext. 1314
203-255-2877 ext. 1313
Commercial Lines
203-255-2877 ext. 1305
203-255-2877 ext. 1311
203-255-2877 ext. 1310
Senior Member LLC
203-255-2877 ext. 1307