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The Russell Agency, LLC Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Rodents, insurance and you: how is your coverage?

Rodents—from squirrels to mice—can pose a threat to your house or car. By nesting near or in your home and car,

rodents can damage your property over time. They can gnaw wires, insulation and anything else they can chew. If this

happens … do you know how your insurance policies will respond?

Your insurance company expects you to keep up with wear-and-tear and basic maintenance of your house, which

includes protecting it from rodents. So, rodent damage generally isn’t covered under a standard homeowners insurance


To prevent an infestation: Remember to seal food containers so they will not attract rodents, and block any openings

that they can slip through—these critters can slip through millimeters-wide holes. 

You can set pest traps, with lethal and humane options. Calling an exterminator also is an option, especially if there is

strange odors, noises, droppings and other damage.

For your car, your auto insurance policy should offer some relief. Comprehensive auto insurance provides coverage for

losses caused by natural disasters, vandalism, theft and more. And, since this insurance covers all risks not

excluded, there is coverage for rodent damage, as well.

Prevention involves keeping food and its wrappers out of your car. It’s also a good idea to move your car regularly or

keep it in a sealed garage. There also are mouse traps designed specifically for cars.

Keeping pests away from your house and car is crucial. While you are doing your best to keep your house and car in

tip-top shape, we can help you determine the best insurance policies to protect them from other dangers.