We think you are going to like some of the new coverages that are making way into personal auto insurance policies in Connecticut.
At last, the insurance industry is placing some value on your cats and dogs when they are injured in an auto accident. Optional coverage can be purchased to pay the reasonable veterinary expenses incurred as a result of injury to a family owned pet, or cremation or disposal expenses incurred as a result of the pet’s death.
Another optional coverage can be purchased to replace your one or two-year-old car with a new one after a total loss is incurred from an accident. Maybe you would like to give domestic partners, significant others, live-in nannies or roommates "family member" status on your policy. This means they have coverage on your policy even when not operating or occupying your car. And, child restraint systems are getting expensive, so you might like the option to insure them when loss occurs to your car or someone else’s car you are using. Both of these options may be available on your auto insurance policy.
If you are the type of person who is more fluid in establishing your residence, you might want to add personal property coverage to your auto policy that will cover your belongings anywhere in the world. And, have you seen what it costs to replace your car-key fob? Some of these cost as much as $600. Well, you can insure your car-key fob if it is lost or stolen.
These options may not be available on your current auto policy, so be sure to check with our agency to see if we can find the right policy for you.