Your company car or truck goes a long way in helping your job go smoothly. Whether you use a flatbed truck to help you haul materials or a company car to get to and from company meetings, it’s safe to say that your days would be a lot harder without your company vehicle.
That being said, it’s crucial that you have commercial auto insurance — just like you have personal auto insurance for your own vehicle.
Commercial auto insurance is much like personal auto insurance in that it protects against bodily injury liability, property damage, vehicle damage, and passenger injury.
When you opt for commercial auto insurance, you’re typically protected against the following:
Damage to the company car that occurs while you’re operating it
Injury to you or your passengers while operating the vehicle that’s been in an accident
Injury to other parties involved in an accident with the company car that was your fault
Property damage to other’s property caused by an accident in the company vehicle
This coverage is crucial to help ensure that you don’t have to pay out of pocket when your employees are hurt in an accident while using the company car, or if they damage someone else’s property caused by the accident.
Not only that, but paying for damages to the company car or truck can be costly, and commercial auto insurance can help cover that as well.
If you’re looking for insurance coverage that gives you peace of mind, is here for you. We’ve been providing customers just like you with commercial auto insurance for [years in business], and we’ve helped keep businesses from having to pay out of pocket for commercial auto accidents.
If you need help deciding what level of coverage is right for you, the insurance agents at are here for you.
Feel free to give us a call today at 203-255-2877 to learn more about our commercial auto policies and which level of coverage is right for your unique business.
We can’t wait to hear from you!